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Matching Independently

If you are going to match independently, you are obviously going to have to do all of the things that an agency would normally handle. Right now, I just want to talk about the initial steps you should take when making an independent match.


Click on the links below to read more about each topic.


First you will need to figure out where you want to look for matches. There are 3 main places that people look, with some overlap.


Okay, so you've seen an ad, or a profile, or heard about a friend's friend, who could be a possible potential match. What should you ask them to find out if you *are* a good match?


There are certain things you'll need to check the legalities of based on your specific potential match and yourself.


Before you can make your match official, and then go on to get pregnant, some screening needs to happen. The order is somewhat flexible, and you may declare your match official before all screening is complete, but it does need to be completed before transfer can happen.​




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