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(a)CGH - (array) comparative genomic hybridization

ART - assisted reproductive technology

BFN - big fat negative (negative pregnancy test)

BFP - big fat positive (positive pregnancy test)

ED - egg donor

eSET - elective single embryo transfer

FET - frozen embryo transfer

hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin (the pregnancy hormone)

HPT - home pregnancy test

IF - intended father

IM - intended mother

IP - intended parent

IUI - intrauterine insemination

IVF - in-vitro fertilization

GS/GC - gestational surrogate/gestational carrier

MET - multiple embryo transfer

PGD - preimplantation genetic diagnosis

PGS - preimplantation genetic screening

RE - reproductive endocrinologist (fertility doctor)

SET - single embryo transfer

TS - traditional surrogate


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